The Church of Greater Faith
The Church of Greater Faith
Our Vision
“Our vision is to reach the unreachable through the love of Christ, to establish great families by developing great people, and to walk by faith and not by sight. We believe our lives are transforming through the word of God. Our Minds Are Renewed, Our Bodies Are Revived, and our Spirits Are Refreshed! We are the Church of Great Faith in Jesus Name!!!”
Our Pastors
Ecclesiastes 7:10 (NIV) Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such question.
Pastor Christopher D. Harrison
2015 - Present
Pastor Chris is determined to teach the people of God to live a life of “Greater Faith”.
Pastor Christopher D. Harrison has been preaching since the age of 17. Pastor Chris (as he is affectionately called) is the third of four children born to Tanya Harrison and the late Pastor L.D. Harrison Sr. He knew, since the age of 9, that there was a special calling on his life to teach the Word of God. After confessing his call to the ministry he preached his “first sermon” here at Firnat Missionary Baptist Church. It has been spoken over Pastor Chris’s life that he would not be “Just another preacher”; but he would, indeed, teach the Word of God with Conviction and Authority.
It was not until 1998 when he left Houston, to “RUN” away from the church, that he encountered the Holy Ghost at New Home Family Worship Center in New Orleans East. After being filled with the Holy Ghost and tapping into his “Untapped Potential” he served as armor bearer to Bishop R.C. Blakes Jr. and later became the Campus Pastor of the church’s Houston location.....
Pastor Lloyd D. Harrison Sr.
1995 - 2015
“TO GOD BE THE GLORY alone for His unparallelled brilliance into which we tread to find direction to sanctifying success”
Reflection Reasoning and Reality
In my opinion the measure of a man in terms of life’s reign pivots not on what he says about himself; rather what God and his family testify about him. The decisive: “well done good and faithful servant…” is a desire every true believer expects to hear from God.
Typically, to hear confirmation of family, wife and children avowing: despite human imperfections, his no infidel ranks high for acceptance; not that it validates. But it gives extrinsic incentive to know that they know you are doing your best...
Pastor Will C. Moore
1978 - 1995
Rev. Will C. Moore organized FIRNAT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH in July 1978 with seven (7) members present.
Firnat’s humble beginnings as guided by the spirit was housed at the corner of Firnat and Sundown in September 1978. Lead by the spirit to build a new church across the street, we were blessed to purchase the property for the new building in 1980 with fifteen (15) members.
In February 1981 we cleared the property, laid the foundation and began construction. The construction of the New Church was a great task. Trusting in the LORD, we were able to meet our objectives in raising funds for the construction of the building. The LORD moved in our hearts to follow the Bible with tithing and offering. As a testament to the goodness of God, we were blessed not to have mortgaged anything in this building.
We entered the New Firnat building in May 1983. We can truly say “BEHOLD! WHERE THE LORD HAS BROUGHT US, HE BROUGHT US A MIGHTY LONG WAY”.
Rev. Moore, was called to eternal rest on April 13, 1995 followed by his supportive and loving wife on February 7, 1999.