Pastor Lloyd D. Harrison Sr.
1995 - 2015
“TO GOD BE THE GLORY alone for His unparallelled brilliance into which we tread to find direction to sanctifying success”
Reflection Reasoning and Reality
In my opinion the measure of a man in terms of life’s reign pivots not on what he says about himself; rather what God and his family testify about him. The decisive: “well done good and faithful servant…” is a desire every true believer expects to hear from God. Typically, to hear confirmation of family, wife and children avowing: despite human imperfections, his no infidel ranks high for acceptance; not that it validates. But it gives extrinsic incentive to know that they know you are doing your best! Yes, in some instances our efforts of indefatigability, no boast intended, go unrecognized… If you are reading by now you are wandering where he is going with this. God has afforded me so many awesome opportunities of which the greatest is serving His people as Pastor. By His great grace I have rejoiced willfully in this suffering yet sensational capacity for the past thirty years. The first pastoral assignment was met with excitement fused with unexpected challenges. My wife and our four children endured much to His glory. With immeasurable gratitude I am thankful for a prayer centered wife and children who chose to serve God. I would be remiss if I fail to acknowledge how much they have positively affected my life’s adventure. Their expressions of love and support have served to be part of my inspiration. Nevertheless in His wise providence, God knew I “must need to go to” another charge.
Ideally, His plan to this present place in time began to unfold in 1980 when my path was allowed to cross that of Pastor W. C. Moore, the Planter of FBC. From that moment until 1995 we enjoyed a friendship birth in heaven. I did not measure him strictly by what he said but what God revealed through his family. His wife, children and grandchildren could not conceal their familiarity and emotions connected to this authentic character. He revealed himself as a man who loved the things of God in part by building this house unto the LORD. I was pleasingly content in my first pastoral assignment, did not have a clue of what God was about to do; nevertheless, my friend had insight. He would say “boy, I want you to take over the church”; to which I replied with consistent no, you are going to be right here by the grace of God. Well everything is history! His seemingly anticipated departure ushered in divine response to his desire. We all prefer to have him with us today; nevertheless; we are on the same hope he exhibited: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight: ) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13 “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.” Hence I cease not to offer thanks for what only an omnipotent God could inconceivably accomplish.
The assignment started with a huge financial liability that threatened absolute control but God as in times past was with us. Through divine guidance we were able to give thanks for depleted debt including a lien. Not because we were so great, we were the least of all Deut. 7:7-8. God allowed a few committed people to achieve the task worthy of the effort of many…You will always know when God is in the mix; He circumstantially allows increase to probable odds for people who recognizes His presence. Notwithstanding, He is viewed for what He is: worthy of praise and adoration…