Mail Donations
Make your check payable to
Firnat Missionary Baptist Church and send it to:
Firnat Missionary Baptist Church
9132 Firnat St.
Houston, TX 77016
Thank you very much for your love, your support, and your prayers. Together we can reach out to the lost with the message of God's love and mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Your Tithes At Work
The year of 2020 most certainly presented us with “Clear Vision” as we meandered through unprecedented times. We experienced things that we’ve never seen in our respective lifetime. We learned to trust and depend on the only true and living God, Yahweh! We give God all the Glory and Honor because He truly showed Himself to be Jehovah Jireh during this time. Your commitment to honoring God through giving is greatly appreciated, especially at a time when uncertainty was at the forefront. Just know through your contributions, we accomplished many of the church’s goals (Live Streaming, Media and Audio Upgrades, free and clear Van Title, etc.).